Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Stolen Valor and Status Symbols

If you have spent any amount of time online in the last year or two, you have most likely heard about “Stolen Valor”.  You may have read an article, seen a YouTube video, or a Facebook post about a person impersonating a member of the armed forces and walking around in public.  They are dressed up in authentic looking military uniforms.  They have been spotted in shopping malls, amusement parks, the street, and the airport.  They look and sound legit to the average person, but the one exposing them is not fooled.

The majority of the time, the person that is calling them out and recording them is a current member or retired member of the branch they are pretending to be a part of.  It starts off with the person asking the imposter some general questions, “How long have you been in?”  “Where are you stationed?” and other questions like that.  Then they start getting more specific, asking about their platoon, their regiment, their ‘MOS’, (I won’t pretend to know all about this stuff because I never had the honor to serve) and this is where the wannabe’s story starts to unravel.  The actual military person then pounces and makes them look like a fool.  It is usually a breach in protocol that any active duty or reservist would know and follow while in uniform.  It could be something like a contradictory patch or medallion that blows their cover.  Or it could be they prove that they do not know what they are talking about outside of some well researched and well rehearsed lines.

Most of these people are looking for recognition of some kind.  They want to get the admiration and respect that our military members rightly deserve.  They want the glory without the sacrifice.  Some of these people are looking to gain special privileges by dressing this way.  Perhaps they can get a discount on a cup of coffee or meal, like a recent fake soldier did in an airport.  Some are looking to score free merchandise, food, or other items.  This is where their lie gets them in trouble.  It is actually a crime according to the ‘Stolen Valor Act of 2013’ to present yourself as a medal recipient or military officer with the intent to obtain free or discounted goods or services, or other monetary benefits. 

Despite the fact that the federal government has passed a law that makes this pitiful practice illegal, and the fact that just about every person in America has a camera phone glued to their hand at all times, these people continue to take this chance.  Maybe they got away with it for a long time prior to the prevalence of cell phones and Twitter accounts.  Or maybe with the surge in popularity of military members thanks to high profile events like the assassination of Osama Bin Laden, and movies like ‘Act of Valor’, ‘Lone Survivor’, and the recent release of ‘American Sniper’ makes them want to be apart of something they never could do on their own.  Whatever the case may be, it is foolish and risky.

Wannabe combat veteran is not the only type of impersonation that goes on in America, and it is certainly not my main point of writing this.  I came across a person the other day at a fast food restaurant that really got me thinking about this whole thing.  While the kid behind the counter (I say kid, he was probably in his early 20s) was getting my order ready, I noticed he was wearing an ‘I Am Second’ bracelet.  If you don’t know what that is, it’s a black rubber bracelet with white letters that say ‘I Am Second’.  It is a product from the website of the same name.  They produce short films of celebrities and average Joes giving their testimony about how Jesus rescued them from their life of sin and that they are now living ‘second’ to Jesus. 

It really is a neat website, and I admire their program.  They have resources for small groups and give you the information on how to start an “I am Second” small group.  Since I am a fan of the program, I asked him if he was a part of a ‘Second’ small group.  He got the most confused look on his face for a couple of seconds before he realized what I was talking about.  He said that he just got the bracelet for Christmas and didn’t really know much about it.  He had just seen a lot of people wearing them and liked it.  I was just about to dig a little deeper and ask him if he knew what it meant to be second, but the restaurant had gone from nobody at 2:30 in the afternoon, to line almost out the door.  I got my food and left.  As I drove away, I was upset with myself for not talking to him about Jesus and what living second to him means, but I was also a little confused about why someone would want to wear something that gave the impression that they were a Christian if they really weren’t.  You certainly don’t gain a lot of respect and monetary benefits by wearing a rubber bracelet, or even a cross. 

Then I thought a little more and realized that “Christian memorabilia” is a very popular fashion accessory.  There are celebrities and people that wear crosses and other religious symbols when they are not practicing Christians.  The biggest one that comes to my mind is Katy Perry.  I have seen her wear a cross on several occasions in interviews and performances.  Despite being the daughter of an evangelical pastor, she has said that she is no longer a Christian, and does not believe in Heaven or Hell.  So why wear the symbol that is almost exclusively Christian if you do not believe in it?  If that cross represents the instrument that God used to help save mankind from eternal punishment in Hell, and was where Jesus was offered up as the once and for all sacrifice so we could go to Heaven, why wear it if it means absolutely nothing to you?  To be fair, I have also heard her say that she prays before every show, but it is a prayer to no god in particular.  So I am only assuming that the cross means absolutely nothing to her, but if she doesn’t believe in Heaven or Hell, I don’t think it represents the same to her as it does to most Christians. 

Katy Perry is just one of many celebrities I have seen wear Christian jewelry as a fashion accessory.  But I have seen countless people on the street wear something that refers to Jesus or God that does not appear to let that which it represents affect them.  Please do not think I am being judgmental in saying this, I am just saying that their life does not appear to be producing ‘fruit’ like the Bible talks about. 

In John chapter 15, Jesus is talking and He talks about how he is the true vine.  He says that he is the vine and we are the branches.  In verses 4 and 5 he says, “Remain in me, and I will remain in you.  For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.  Yes, I am the vine you are the branches.  Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit.  For apart from me you can do nothing.”  In verse 8, he goes on to say, “When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples.  This brings great glory to my Father.”

In Matthew 7:20, Jesus says “Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions.”

Seeing this contradiction is what I am most concerned about.  I am not concerned with the people that choose to wear crosses and ‘Jesus fish’ as a fashion symbol and are open and honest with the fact that they do not believe.  (I am truly concerned for these people, because I do not want any person to suffer eternal punishment due to a refusal to believe.  I am just not talking about them in this post.)  I am concerned about the people that wear the uniform and can talk the game (much like the fake servicemen above), but are not taking up their cross daily (Luke 14:27) and fighting the good fight of faith (1 Tim. 6:12 & 2 Tim. 4:7).

These are like the Pharisees that Jesus rebuked in Matthew 23:27-28, “What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees.  Hypocrites!  For you are like whitewashed tombs-beautiful on the outside but filled on the inside with dead people’s bones and all sorts of impurity.  Outwardly you look like righteous people, but inwardly your hearts are filled with hypocrisy and lawlessness.”

How horrible would it be to have Jesus call you out like that?  To have Jesus Christ, himself, compare you to a tomb, a whitewashed tomb at that would be devastating.  Especially if I had been trying to come across to everyone around me as a good little Christian boy by the clothes and jewelry I wore and the empty words I spoke.  This makes me think of the church at Laodicea that Jesus is talking to in Revelation chapter 3.  He says, “I know all the things you do, that are neither hot nor cold.  I wish that you were one or the other!  But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!”

I don’t know about you, but I really do not want to be puked out of Jesus’ mouth!  The people that flat out say they do not believe, but only like the bling of the diamond studded cross around their neck, are cold.  They are honest and direct.  There is no trying to guess where they fall on this spectrum.  The people that are just as clean and pure on the inside as they are on the outside are also easy to figure out – they are the hot ones that Jesus refers to in Revelation.  It’s the others that are, probably, the bigger population.  These are the ones that are trying to fool those around them, and even themselves.  Despite their dress and their words, their actions and lifestyle betray them.  John’s first letter says in chapter 1 verses 8-10, ‘If we claim we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the truth.  But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all wickedness.  If we claim we have not sinned, we are calling God a liar and showing that his word has no place in our hearts.’  This slap to God’s face leads to him spitting us out onto the ground. 

So let me ask you, where are you in all of this?  Are you the one that is truly on fire for God and wear your faith on your sleeve?  Do your words, actions, and thoughts honor God?  Are you the hot one that Jesus was talking about? 

Are you the non-believer that just wants to accessorize your wardrobe with an occasional cross?

Or are you the poser that likes to wear religious status symbols and the Christian combat uniform, but does not produce any kind of spiritual fruit in you life?  Are you a whitewashed tomb that looks the part on the outside, but is spiritually dead on the inside?  Are you in danger of being spit out of Jesus’ mouth?

If we could strip away all of the religious status symbols and spiritual rhetoric, would you look any different from everyone else around you?  I urge you to really take a look at your life and evaluate where you are in all of this.  Please do not continue to fool yourself, or attempt to fool others into thinking you are better off than you really are.  You may not like the eternal consequences.  If you are on the outside, and have never really given any of this serious thought; maybe you are an unbeliever but have questions, please do not wait to ask.  Find someone that can give you the information you need.  I am more than happy to help in any way, but if not me, please find someone soon.  We are not guaranteed tomorrow.  A recent acquaintance lost a loved one in an instant.  In an attempt to enjoy a common hobby, this person lost their soul mate.  You really do not know how much time you have.  Take this opportunity to get your questions answered.

Have a great day, week, and New Year.  Thank you for taking the time to read the Thoughts of a Sleepless Man.